Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Smartly, me beauty!

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is a special day. Bring out your grog, your squinty-eyes and your "Arrrr"s, it be International Talk Like Pirate Day!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Vegas, baby.

Still recovering from my Vegas weekend. I am so sleepy yet unable to sleep, and I'm having severe temperature fluctuations. Seriously, it's like hot flashes or something. This may be related to other illnesses, but it's more fun to think it's Vegas recovery.

We had a bachelorette party for Emily -- girls go wild in the Sin City sort of thing. Almost every one of us was hurting in some way though, so it felt a bit more sedate than wild. But fun nonetheless. I cannot gamble without Kevin there however.

Correction: I cannot WIN without Kevin there to give me luck. Sigh.

Dinner at Nobu, excellent. Seeing KA, Cirque-riffic. Lounging at cabana by the pool in 39 degree heat, fabulous. Shopping at Christian Louboutin, drool-worthy. Giggling with the girls, awesome.